A Norwegian Elkhound and Snow Dog Rescue
"Saving Elkhounds, Four Paws at a Time"
Welcome to Four Paws Elkhound Rescue
A Norwegian Elkhound and Snow Dog Rescue
Rescue dogs and humans build a reputation together.
As a pair what describes you? Are you and your dog sassy, beautiful, adventuresome, comforting, cuddly, helpful, bossy, believable, making a difference?
When you are in a stressful situation such as an aggressive dog barks at you or a loud noise scares both of you, what do you do?
If a loose dog approaches you, what do you and your rescue dog do?
When someone visits your house, how do you and your rescue dog handle the initial entrance and greeting?
What is your goal when you walk the streets, go to events, have visitors, and be part of your neighborhood? Are you content to coexist? Do you prefer to cuddle on the couch? Do you provide a service together such as visits to nursing homes, schools, or people in need?
These are important questions to determine what your relationship is with your rescue dog. The more you understand these goals whatever they are, the better your reputation together will be.
DISCLAIMER: The author assumes no responsibility or liability for any of the content of this site. The information contained in this site is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness.
The material presented in this text is meant for a reference and as an additional source of information to help with your rescue dog. It is not meant to be used as a replacement for a professional opinion. When needed always consult a professional.
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2024 @Four Paws Elkhound Rescue
2023 @Four Paws Elkhound Rescue